Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring, 2007

Ahhhhh! SPRING!!!!May 11th, 2007 by hannahsmommy

Ahhhh! At last! Spring has sprung! Once again I can sit outside on my porch in the mornings and watch the "traffic". Nowadays the visitors consist of Goldfinches, House Finches, a few pairs of Cardinals (newcomers), Chickadees (also new!), several Robins, two Mourning Doves, one Mockingbird, and as of this morning, my favorite— at least one Catbird!
One of the Robins has been stealing the lining of my window-box, made of shredded coconut husks. I know it’s for her nest, so I ‘m only mildly annoyed. Now the soil washes out little by little every time I water it. And a squirrel stole about 1/3 of the stuffing of the pillow on my seat- a very pregnant squirrel, so I let her have as much as she wanted.
The house finches have set up housekeeping again in their box, and a pair of Cardinals had a nest in the backyard hedge. ("had" a nest…. Jef trimmed the hedge and the nest went with it. Sayang! 3 eggs and a newly-hatched baby! Hannah found it, and was very distressed! She grabbed Jef and said "Daddy! Bee nest fall! Babyegg fall, broke! Oh! Back? " She was gesturing very dramatically! (She says "bird" as "bee". Eggs to eat are "egg", but wild eggs are "babyegg". A baby bird is "babyegg out". So cute!) She wanted the nest fixed! So sweet!
Yesterday afternoon two male Robins were duking it out over something! What a ruckus! Hannah scolded them for fighting - "Stop bee!! No! Nice!" (Translation: Stop fighting, birds! No! Be nice!")
My garden is different every year- between my rearranging and the plants’ spreading and reseeding themselves, I am hard-pressed to remember what is what as it comes up. OK…. is this thing way over here a goldenrod…. or is it an aster…… didn’t I move those asters last fall?? And WHERE did I move those milkweeds to?
I have declared war on the Canada thistles this year! Those suckers hurt when you step on them! And both Hannah and I love to walk around barefoot (when Daddy’s not home to scold us!) I hate using sprays, since it kills whatever it touches. (I….ahem… accidentally killed my neighbors Peony’s last time I used it…I dropped the hose and it squirted on them…oooops!) Thistles are a product of the Fall- I know it! Everything God made was "good", and as far as I know, there are no redeeming qualities to Canada Thistles. Aside from herbicides, the only way to rid them from your garden is to yank… and yank, and yank. If you leave even 1/16 of an inch of root, it will grow back. BUT..they put most of their reproductive energy into spreading via their root system as opposed to seeds. So, if you keep yanking, eventually it will die of sheer exhaustion. It can take a few years in a bad infestation! But I am a very stubborn person!
Every morning, since I am not knitting anything presently, I make my coffee, put on my work gloves, and grab my weeding thingamajig. I swear.. there are thistles growing this morning where there were none yesterday! grrrrrrrr!
Well, my hubby and daughter are waiting, perched in front of me, wistfully sighing; Hannah said "Go voom voom!" Jef said "I’ll go get my KEYS…." . I guess we are going somewhere. Besides… my daughter just presented me with my shoes (threw them at me, actually) with "Mama soos! One two Mama’s soos!" I get the message!

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